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пятница, 24 января 2020 г.

Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script

#php #namespace

Не могу понять почему выскакивает данная ошибка. Вот код файла, в котором ошибка
 Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in
the script in /var/www/html/phpinstagram/phpinstagram/Instagram.php on line 2

feed = new \phpinstagram\Instagram\Api\Feed();
    $this->auth = new \phpinstagram\Instagram\Api\Auth();
    $this->_communication = new \phpinstagram\Instagram\Client\Communication();

public function addCommand(\phpinstagram\Instagram\Command\ICommand $cmd) {
    $this->_commands[] = $cmd;

public function run() {
    $executed = array();
    //$cookieJar = null;
    foreach ($this->_commands as $utcmd) {
        if ($utcmd instanceof \phpinstagram\Instagram\Command\ICommand) {
             * @var \phpinstagram\Instagram\Command\ICommand
            $cmd = $utcmd;

            //if (!is_null($cookieJar))
            //  $this->_communication->getClient()->setCookieJar($cookieJar);

            foreach ($cmd->dependsOn() as $dependency) {
                foreach ($executed as $previous) {
                    if (get_class($previous) == '\Instagram\Command\\' . $dependency) {
                        break 2;
                throw new \phpinstagram\Instagram\Command\DependencyException(
                    'Command ' . get_class($cmd) . " depends on $dependency but it
never was executed!\n\n"


            //echo get_class($cmd)." is valid. executing...\n\n";

            $executed[] = $cmd;

            // reset parameters
            //$cookieJar = $this->_communication->getClient()->getCookieJar();

    // reset commands
    $this->_commands = array();



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