#sql #firebird
На Firebird 2.5 server в БД есть таблицы: goods, income, sale. Goods: goods_id, name Income: Income_id, Goods_id, incomeqty (quantity), recdate Sale: sales_id,income_id,Goods_id,saleqty,recdate Есть запрос,который выбирает приходы,расходы и остатки(разницу) во временном интервале: SELECT g.name, g.goods_id, coalesce(dt2.sum_income,0), coalesce(dt2.sum_sales,0), coalesce(dt2.differ_between,0) FROM goods g LEFT JOIN (SELECT goods_id, sum(sum_income) as sum_income, sum(sum_sale) as sum_sale, sum(sum_income - sum_sale) as differ_between from (select goods_id, sum(incomeqty) as sum_income, 0 as sum_sale, 'income' as which from income where income.recdate between :d1 and :d2 group by goods_id union all select goods_id, 0, sum(salesqty), 'sale' from sales where sale.recdate between :d1 and :d2 group by goods_id) dt1 group by goods_id ) dt2 on g.goods_id = dt2.goods_id Но я хочу в нём добавить стартовые остатки. стартовые остатки до интервала времены =sum(прыходы) до интервала времены-sum(расходы) до интервала времены. Конечные остатки в конце интервала времены=стартовые остатки+прыходы в интервале-расходы в интервале. стартовые остатки по-моему должен получить так: select income.goods_id, sum(incomeqty) as start_income, 0 as start_sale, 'income' as which from income where income.recdate < :d1 group by goods_id union all select goods_id,0, sum(saleqty) as start_sale, 'sale' from sale where sale.recdate < :d1 group by goods_id group by goods_id Где и как включить в главном запросе запрос получения стартовых остатков? UPDATE 1: переделал запрос,но почему-то конечные остатки неправильно получаю(endqnt): 5000+1000-20-5=6000? SELECT G.Name, G.Doods_id, coalesce(dt2.startqnt,0) as startqnt, coalesce(dt2.income,0)as income, coalesce(dt2.sales,0)as sales, coalesce(dt2.writeoff,0)as writeoff, coalesce(dt2.endqnt,0) as endqnt FROM Goods G LEFT JOIN (select --dt2 Pr_k, sum(startincome) as startincome, --приходы до sum(startsale) as startsale, --продажи до sum(startwriteoff) as startwriteoff, --списывание до sum(income) as income, --приходы в интервале sum(sale) as sales, --продажи в интервале sum(writeoff) as writeoff, --списывание в интервале sum(startincome-startsale-startwriteoff) as startqnt, --остатки стартовые sum(startincome-startsale-startwriteoff+income-sale-writeoff) as endqnt --конечные остатки from( select i.goods_id, sum(case when i.recdate<'01/01/2010' then i.incomeqty end) as startincome, 0, 0, --списывание товара sum(case when i.recdate between '01/01/2010' and '01/01/2020' then i.incomeqty end) as income, 0, 0, 'income' as which from income i where i.recdate <='01/01/2020' group by goods_id union all select s.goods_id, 0, sum(case when s.recdate<'01/01/2010' then s.saleqty end) as startsale, 0, 0, sum(case when s.recdate between '01/01/2010' and '01/01/2020' then s.saleqty end) as sale, 0, 'sale' from sale s where s.recdate <= '01/01/2020' group by goods_id union all select w. goods_id, 0, 0, sum(case when w.writeoffDate<'01/01/2010' then w.writeoffQty end) as startwriteoff, 0, 0, sum(case when w.writeoffDate between '01/01/2010' and '01/01/2020' then w.writeoffQty end) as writeoff, 'writeoff' from writeoff w where w.writeofDate < '01/01/2020' group by goods_id) dt1 group by Goods_id )dt2 on G.Goods_id=dt2.Goods_id Derived Table DT1 и конечный запрос дают такой результат: UPDATE 2 Причина была в NULL. Везде надо преврашать NULL в 0: SELECT G.Name, G.Doods_id, coalesce(dt2.startqnt,0) as startqnt, coalesce(dt2.income,0)as income, coalesce(dt2.sales,0)as sales, coalesce(dt2.writeoff,0)as writeoff, coalesce(dt2.endqnt,0) as endqnt FROM Goods G LEFT JOIN (select --dt2 Pr_k, sum(startincome) as startincome, --приходы до sum(startsale) as startsale, --продажи до sum(startwriteoff) as startwriteoff, --списывание до sum(income) as income, --приходы в интервале sum(sale) as sales, --продажи в интервале sum(writeoff) as writeoff, --списывание в интервале sum(coalesce(startincome,0)-coalesce(startsale,0)-coalesce(startwriteoff,0) as startqnt, --остатки стартовые sum(coalesce(startincome,0)-coalesce(startsale,0)-coalesce(startwriteoff,0)+coalesce(income,0)-coalesce(sale,0)-coalesce(writeoff,0)) as endqnt --конечные остатки from( select i.goods_id, sum(case when i.recdate<'01/01/2010' then coalesce(i.incomeqty,0) end) as startincome, 0, 0, --списывание товара sum(case when i.recdate between '01/01/2010' and '01/01/2020' then coalesce(i.incomeqty,0) end) as income, 0, 0, 'income' as which from income i where i.recdate <='01/01/2020' group by goods_id union all select s.goods_id, 0, sum(case when s.recdate<'01/01/2010' then coalesce(s.saleqty,0) end) as startsale, 0, 0, sum(case when s.recdate between '01/01/2010' and '01/01/2020' then coalesce(s.saleqty,0) end) as sale, 0, 'sale' from sale s where s.recdate <= '01/01/2020' group by goods_id union all select w. goods_id, 0, 0, sum(case when w.writeoffDate<'01/01/2010' then coalesce(w.writeoffQty,0) end) as startwriteoff, 0, 0, sum(case when w.writeoffDate between '01/01/2010' and '01/01/2020' then coalesce(w.writeoffQty,0) end) as writeoff, 'writeoff' from writeoff w where w.writeofDate < '01/01/2020' group by goods_id) dt1 group by Goods_id )dt2 on G.Goods_id=dt2.Goods_id
Ответ 1
Для того что бы посчитать остаток в запросе необходимо убрать ограничение на первую дату анализируемого периода и добавить работы с датами в агрегирующую функцию с помощью CASE SELECT g.name, g.goods_id, coalesce(dt2.balance_before,0), --остаток на начало coalesce(dt2.sum_income,0), --приход в периоде coalesce(dt2.sum_sales,0), --рассход в периоде coalesce(dt2.differ_between,0), --разница за период coalesce(dt2.balance_after,0) --остаток на конец FROM goods g LEFT JOIN (SELECT goods_id, sum(case when sale.recdate < :d1 then sum_income - sum_sale end) balance_before, sum(case when sale.recdate between :d1 and :d2 then sum_income end) as sum_income, sum(case when sale.recdate between :d1 and :d2 then sum_sale end) as sum_sale, sum(case when sale.recdate between :d1 and :d2 then sum_income - sum_sale end) as differ_between sum(sum_income - sum_sale) as balance_after from (select goods_id, sum(incomeqty) as sum_income, 0 as sum_sale, 'income' as which from income where income.recdate <= :d2 group by goods_id union all select goods_id, 0, sum(salesqty), 'sale' from sales where sale.recdate <= :d2 group by goods_id) dt1 group by goods_id ) dt2 on g.goods_id = dt2.goods_id Так же хотелось бы обратить внимание на конструкцию sum(sum_income - sum_sale) В случае если sum_income или sum_sale равно NULL вычитание вернет NULL. Из-за этого можно получить ошибку при подведении итогов. Корректнее будет записать эту строчку в виде sum(COALESCE(sum_income,0) - COALESCE(sum_sale,0)), sum(sum_income) - sum(sum_sale)
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